The MacKenzie Companies has years of experience performing environmental consulting services. Our diverse and knowledgeable staff-combining geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, biologists and environmental technicians-can provide you with the scientific background needed to address your environmental concerns.
Phase I - Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
The parties involved in property transactions are increasingly turning to ESAs to identify potentially contaminated sites. MacKenzie can provide complete assessment services, including all appropriate inquiry into the past use of the subject property, historical site reviews, and on-site inspections as provided for in the ASTM Standard E1527.
Phase II - Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
If the Phase I ESA indicates that the subject property may be contaminated, MacKenzie staff can provide a Phase II ESA whereby actual samples are collected to confirm the existence of the contaminants at the site. If the client is still interested in the property, MacKenzie staff can prepare and submit to the MDEQ, a Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) which will allow the new purchaser of a contaminated property to purchase that property without being liable for the existing contamination, thereby allowing continued commercial use of a site that would otherwise be unwanted.
Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management
MacKenzie can perform hazardous and non-hazardous waste activities, including the following:
- sample collection
- waste characterization
- drum & tank handling
- proper disposal of solid and/or liquid waste.
Subsurface Site Investigation
Our company has a staff of scientists specializing in the investigation and characterization of contaminated sites. Complete site characterization is essential to the development of an appropriate, efficient remediation plan. MacKenzie's own drilling rigs can be utilized to investigate the subsurface environment of your site. Subsurface site investigations will include:
- soil sampling & analysis
- geologic & hydrogeologic studies
- contaminant plume delineation
- environmental fate & transport of the contaminants.
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Using the results of a complete subsurface site investigation, MacKenzie's staff can design & implement an economic remediation system utilizing one or more of the following technologies:
- soil excavation & treatment/disposal
- bio-remediation or bio-augmentation
- groundwater extraction & treatment
- soil vapor extraction
Additionally, with recent changes in the environmental laws, it is now possible to get MDEQ closure on contaminated sites without having to remediate the impacted soil and/or groundwater. MacKenzie staff can prepare all of the required regulatory documentation needed for this type of cost-effective closure.
UST Installation & Removal
Due to the increasingly stringent requirements for the use of underground storage tanks (USTs), many clients are removing existing tanks & installing new fuel storage/delivery systems. MacKenzie possesses the technical expertise and equipment necessary to perform risk assessments, fast & economic closures, and removal & monitoring of existing UST systems. Our company can also assist you with the design & installation of a new underground or above-ground system to meet your fueling needs within the current regulatory guidelines.